DIY Seed Phrase Engraving Guide

DIY Seed Phrase Engraving Guide

Hands-On Security: A Step-by-Step Guide to DIY Seed Phrase Engraving


Engraving your seed phrase onto metal is one of the most durable ways to protect your crypto. If you’re a hands-on type or simply want full control, this guide is for you. Learn how to select the right materials, tools, and processes to make your own DIY engraved backup.

Why Engraving?

  • Durability: Resistant to fire, water, and general wear.
  • Longevity: The text (data) remains legible for decades when done properly.
  • Control: You decide the layout, spacing, and security features.

Materials & Tools

  1. Metal Plate

    • Preferably 304 grade stainless steel or titanium.
    • Black Seed Ink sells blank plates specifically designed for easy engraving.
    • Realize all metals have a melting point. Your goal is to withstand a 30 - 60 minute house fire, corrosion, or water damage.
  2. Engraving/Stamping Tool

    • Scribing tool with a tungsten carbide tip for deep graving
    • Press hard and trace the letters multiple times with the scribe for a deep etching.
    • Dremels work, but vibration makes accuracy difficult.
    • Punch sets will warp stainless steel plates that are not thick enough to withstand the pressure and also call unnecessary attention to what you are trying to achieve.  Shhhh and scribe in silence!
  3. Protective Gear

    • Safety goggles and gloves to avoid metal shards or accidental injury.
  4. Workspace Essentials

    • Simple #2 pencil - Write the seed in pencil first, then trace with scribe to limit mistakes.

Engraving Steps

  1. Plan Your Layout

    • Write out your seed phrase on paper first, double-check spelling and order.
    • Mark grid lines on the metal for neat alignment or use Black Seed Ink seed phrase wallets with pre-lasered line guides.
  2. Engrave Carefully

    • Use consistent pressure and pace. If you have multiple seeds to backup, take breaks and rest your hand.
    • Punching not recommended - Be cautious of drawing attention to yourself in your garage and don't wake the neighbors in an apartment! Don't punch too hard or you will warp the plate.
  3. Inspect for Accuracy

    • Confirm each word’s legibility. A single misspelled or incomplete word can render the phrase useless.
  4. Optional Sealing

    • Some prefer adding a clear protective coat (if allowed by the metal type). However, this might not be necessary if you use high-grade steel.

Testing & Storage

  • Test Legibility: In low light, can you still read each letter?
  • Secure Storage: Place your engraved plate in a locked safe or hidden location.

CAUTION! Once you have scribed your seed phrase into immortality, it is difficult to destroy the backup. But if you change to another hardware wallet and the old seed phrase is no longer connected to crypto on the blockchain, then you should be ok.


DIY engraving gives you a durable and personalized way to protect your seed phrase. Just remember: accuracy and careful handling are crucial. If you prefer a pre-fabricated solution, Black Seed Ink offers plates and kits designed to blockchain wallets easier and more error-proof.