Eight Seed Phrase Backup Mistakes to Avoid

Eight Seed Phrase Backup Mistakes to Avoid

Guarding Your Keys: 8 Common Seed Phrase Backup Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)


Even the most seasoned crypto enthusiasts can make slip-ups in backing up their seed phrases. A single mistake can mean the difference between total loss and total protection. In this post, we’ll highlight common pitfalls and offer straightforward solutions.

Mistake #1: Keeping Only One Copy

  • The Risk: One natural disaster or theft can wipe out your sole backup.
  • The Fix: Maintain multiple backups in different locations—a locked safe at home, a safety deposit box, and a trusted relative’s safe.

Mistake #2: Relying on Paper Alone

  • The Risk: Paper is vulnerable to water, fire, and fading ink.
  • The Fix: Transfer your phrase onto metal plates like those from Black Seed Ink for enhanced durability.

Mistake #3: Storing All Backups in One Spot

  • The Risk: A single event—like a house fire—could destroy every copy.
  • The Fix: Distribute backups geographically (e.g., at home, a friend’s house, a bank vault).

Mistake #4: Sharing Seed Phrase Online

  • The Risk: Hackers or scammers can drain your funds.
  • The Fix: Never post seed phrases on social media or send them by email. No legitimate support will ever ask for it.

Mistake #5: Typographical Errors

  • The Risk: One misspelled word can render your phrase useless.
  • The Fix: Double- and triple-check each word’s spelling before finalizing. Consult the official BIP39 word list if unsure.

Mistake #6: Not Testing Restorability

  • The Risk: A backup is only good if it actually works.
  • The Fix: Regularly try restoring a wallet with your seed phrase in a controlled environment. 

Mistake #7: Procrastination

  • The Risk: Holding off on creating a secure backup until “later” can be disastrous if an emergency strikes unexpectedly. Take a lesson from the recent California wildfires. Store the seed in multiple places in case the house is left to burn to the ground.  
  • The Fix: Make backing up your seed phrase a priority as soon as you set up a new wallet.

Mistake #8: Using One Seed Phrase for All Transactions

  • Ever heard the phrase "Don't store all your eggs in one basket"? Same applies to using one hardware wallet (and one seed phrase) to conduct all your crypto trades.  Dangerous! Buy multiple wallets and dilute your risk.
  • For each hardware wallet, create multiple seed phrase backups.  
  • Lean toward wallets that allow for a passphrase like Trezor. This allows you to create multiple seed phrases with one wallet. 


Avoiding these common mistakes is simpler than you might think. A bit of foresight and the right materials can save you from devastating losses. Check out Black Seed Ink’s crypto wallet solutions to help prevent these pitfalls once and for all.